Archive for the ‘Writing’ Category


Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

I’ve posted the first of several novels I’ve written over the years and then ignored, allowing them to languish on my hard drive while I am distracted by a bumble bee. This is writing I did mainly for me, without a whole lot of consideration for market factors or wondering who the audience for the work might be. I presume the audience for the work is anybody reading this website, and, at a buck ninety-nine, how much of a risk could it possibly be?

I’ve found the only way to break writer’s block is to write, which seems self-defeating because, when you have writer’s block, writing is the very last thing you want to do. Since I couldn’t make any progress at all with the screenplay, I decided to write something else. I just started writing and kept writing, no matter how awful it was, until the ink began to flow from the pen once again. It took maybe a couple weeks of writing absolute gibberish before I finally managed to break through: I was a writer again, I was enjoying myself again. My writing exercise became the novel Zion.

The exercise yielded a love-hate story wrapped in a procedural crime drama. Much like the cancelled-before-it-ever-shipped Concrete Jungle: Legend of The Black Lion, Zion is a cynical urban fable about bad guys and worse guys. A world painted entirely in shades of gray, Zion is populated with quirky, complex, and deeply flawed characters in an overarching theme which deconstructs the meaning of love and the relevance of faith.

I’ve published it under the name “James Priest” to avoid further confusion with the British novelist Christopher Priest, whom I am quite certain has been driven insane from typing, “No, I don’t write Black Panther” thousands of times.

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The Letter “A”

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

Back when I was writing comics, I discovered, to my chagrin, that the letter “A”  looks exactly the same, regardless of who types it. Brilliant writers, hack writers, non-writers: the letter “A” looks precisely the same. I also discovered that people who lack this particular gift of expression also lack much respect for it. Respect, I’ve found, comes in two distinct flavors: (a) the phony respect we offer up to people who pay us and (b) the more difficult kind of respect we show for things that exist in a realm beyond our own ability to necessarily comprehend. I have enormous respect for, say, pro golfers and people who paint landscapes. I understand neither discipline. I can be walked out to the water’s edge, beyond which I will happily defer to the experts in these fields. When I fly to New York on business, for example, I usually let the pilot fly the plane. I don’t come up there into the cockpit and start flipping switches.

With writing, though, everybody can type the letter “A.” And, rather than me falling in love with my own words, it is usually the client who does that. Why? Because they are usually not professional writers. They sell hair spray and dental floss. Which is not to put down people who sell hair spray and dental floss but to point out there is a reason people hire professionals. Hiring a professional and then interfering with their efforts to make you richer than you already are is just stupid. I don’t understand people who continue walking past the water’s edge until their hat floats.

Where No Man Is Going

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

A couple years ago, I came up with my one and only original story idea for Star Trek, which I just tossed in a drawer and gave absolutely no thought to until I was approached, for whatever ungodly reason, by IDW, seemingly out of the blue, to develop something for them. We were not talking specifically about Trek, but IDW had the Trek franchise, and I said, “Oh, hey—you guys do Trek, right? Well I only have one idea for Star Trek, but I’d really like to do it.” So I pitched them the idea that later became Star Trek: Inquisition, which was to be a three and then later, per IDW’s request, a five-part story. But a couple things happened.

First, Paramount bounced the story as too edgy and controversial. Then, Abrams Trek came along and re-shaped the landscape. My story is TNG Trek. Once Abrams Trek became a going concern, director J.J. Abrams had the right to approve all Trek-related material, even stuff like my one idea which had absolutely nothing to do with what he was doing. So now we had to appease Paramount and Abrams, and the window for TNG material at IDW narrowed as Abrams Trek’s release date approached. That window remains narrow.   I always thought the best of Trek raised more questions than it answered. I hardly consider this script the best of anything, but the story does attempt to raise questions, not answer them.

It’s too Worf-specific to make a good movie, but it might have made an interesting set of episodes at one point and, I think, a fun comic book arc. Whatever it might have been, it is my one (and so far only) idea for Star Trek. I would have really enjoyed writing this.

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A Judicial Memoir

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

For more than two decades he has petitioned the governor and received a drawerful of legal forms and denials for his trouble. The Reverend Promise Y. Lee, Th.M., pastor and founder of the Relevant Word Christian Cultural Center in Colorado Springs, spent the formative years of his adolescence in general population at one of Colorado’s maximum security prisons. Pardoned: A Judicial Memoir is a true story of a 15-year old convicted of second-degree murder and left to fend for himself among hardened criminals and predators within America’s penal system. Written by my friend, Promise Lee, Pardoned is in development as an independent film project, and I’ve helped out with some early draft scripting.

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More On Cap

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

One other thing I forgot to mention:

The Captain America film never challenged Cap’s ethics. This was, to me, the stake through the vampire’s heart. America is a tough proposition. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness means negotiating a tedious slalom between enumerated powers and enumerated rights. Captain America embodies those American ideals while existing, in practical terms, within the balance of those rights and powers. To spend x-million dollars producing a Captain America film and omit the centrality of the character’s symbolism suggests a bankrupt Pow! Zapp! idiot mentality I’d hoped was banished forever by Batman Begins.

The film should have had meaning. It should have treated the Nazis as more than the Penguin’s henchmen (as both X-Men and X-Men First Class did). Captain America: The First Avenger could have been more than just a fun hour and a half at the movies. It could have meant something, said something about who we are and how hard America truly is. Instead, it chose to be a cartoon. In this cynical, paranoid post-9/11 America, the film could have been the answer to the Bourne movies.

It could have reminded us of who we are, or, at least, Who we say we are. Whoops. Well, maybe next time.