Archive for the ‘Writing’ Category

Mum’s The Word

Monday, October 10th, 2011

Like most writers, there’s thirty years of “I Should Really Get Around To This” piled around my house. Things that didn’t get done. Things that still might get done. Things I’ m actually doing. The problem with this page is that it’s a lot easier to discuss completed projects than works in progress or pitches of things I’d like to do. Every writer has a drawer full of unfinished stuff and ideas. Posting those ideas puts the ideas at risk. And sometimes it takes years for this stuff to move from my desk into a book or a film, so the Projects page can get old pretty fast, with the same dozen half-eaten sandwiches listed up there. So I’ve really been twisting trying to decide what, if anything, to publicly display.

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The Hairball

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

I was looking through some old comics the other day, came across the Panther/Storm two-fer, started reading and couldn’t understand a word of it. I mean it.

There was this kid, Vibraxas, and his back-s tory, there was a bunch of business with Lord Gaur and the Eternals, whoever they were, and a pot-bellied SHIELD agent about

to start World War III by hunting these folks down.

The White Wolf, whom I liked quite a bit, was using Vibraxas to resurrect Klaw, so I needed to explain who the White Wolf was (The Panther’s adopted brother, his Reverse Flash) and who Klaw was (the man who created The Black Panther when he murdered Panther’s father, T’Chaka—wait, now I have to explain who T’Chaka was). Then there were all of these side characters running around—Queen Divine Justice and Panther’s staff. There was so much plot, the brilliant Sal Velluto’s art was routinely suffocated by having been constricted to six panels on a page, which I covered with Ross’s chattering (explain who Ross is). I couldn’ t read i

It was a mess.

I flopped down on my sofa and thought, “What the hell was I thinking?”

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